God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

so many people in the world

Wow, the world population is now 6,871,328,019 and the U.S. population is 310,344,759 according to US Census Bureau @ 20:07 UTC (EST+5) on Sep 26, 2010. 

HOLY COW!!! now that is a lot of people. 

Those with Moebius - 2,500 world wide
Bell's Pasly - 75,000 world wide
Disabled in some way: 100,000,000 world wide
Autism of some form: 1 in 150 (2,068,962 in the US)
Blind: 40,000,000 world wide
Hearing Impaired to some degree: 33,487,702 world wide
Depression: 120,000,000 world wide

NOTE: ALL NUMBERS ARE APPROXIMATIONS. All numbers were acquired through reputable websites siting researched data.

So, why do you care about these numbers? Why do I care about these numbers? Well, with all these people on Earth, and all the technology we have here on Earth (and in orbit of Earth) how come we still have these medical problems? We should be able to fight these problems with better results one would think. At least, I would think. 
Another common question is if there really is a God and he is loving, why do we still have all these problems/ Why has He allowed (or in some accusations caused) these problems to exists? 
Honestly, I don't have all the answers, however, I have a theory.
It all started with Adam and Eve. Yes, I know here we go again. blaming it all on the first sin in the garden. Think of it though, that is really how this whole thing started.... 
Adam and Eve were made in God's own image. That means they were like God. Healthy, without faults, with out defects. Yes, you heard me right. Humans are defective, whether you have a disability or not. When He created us, we had nothing wrong with us, no defects at all. So how did it happen to come that there are so many people with physical or mental difficulties? How come we as the human race have so many defects? 
Sin has crept into our lives so much that we barely see it for what it honestly is, sin. No, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that if you are sick or have some sort of disease that you are in sin and correcting that sin will get rid of the problem you are having. What I am saying i that in order to have the close relationship with Christ. We need to be honest with ourselves and with God, as to what our sin is and repent of it.  
I for one, want to admit to God and to the world, that I have sinned and continue to do so without intent or maliciousness. I pray that God restores me to my former beauty as he designed originally. Will you do that same? He desires a close relationship with you. All it takes is humbling yourself to admit your a sinful person and He is the only one that can clean you. :)

1 comment:

  1. All i can say is WOW!!!!!! If it wasn't for that first sin would we be where we are today? I sure desire a very close relationship with the Father and I know everyday all i have to do is Say good morning Lord and ask for help for the day and He is there for me.
