God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

the kids are in bed

You ever feel so angry or disappointed in your children that you can't wait for them to go to bed? Sometimes it's hard to even look at them when you get that upset at them. Well, that was sort of how I felt today. No I did not hate my child, nor was I rude to him, but I was not interested in being around him today.
Adam is in a stage of life that we all have been in. He is trying to find his place in the world and trying to find out his status in society. He is a teenager.

All day this has been irritating me, nipping at my emotions, making me upset and feeling hurt. Tonight, however, I am left feeling somewhat different. I am left hinting of questions whose answers bother me a great deal.

Do we ever really grow up? Aren't well teenagers in God's eyes? Yes and no. Yes, I think that no matter how old we get we will always have more to learn from God. We will always need to be corrected by our Father. Yes, I feel that in some respects we all act like spoiled teenagers at some point in ours lives. Some of us (this is the no part) do learn and humble ourselves before God. Some of us, like my son Adam, have a really hard time with that. humbleness makes you realize that no matter how important you feel you are there is always someone you are accountable to. Someone is in authority over you... That is something you can never escape.

Today I think Adam has started to understnad that no matter what he feels is right we will not abide by his interpretation of how the world works. He feels that God put us all equal. That the Constitution states we are all equal. Well, after lots of research tonight I came to find out that it really doesn't say that at all. The Declaration of Independence does but not in the context Adam is thinking.

You see what dawned on me tonight is that we all act like Adam at some point in our loves. How many times have you stuck to your own thoughts about something because you feel you are right?  How many times have we 'manipulated' things to make it fit what we want it to fit? I know I have. I know you have also at one point or another.

What does God think of all that? WE ARE ALL SINNERS. No matter what sin we commit, it is all sin. But, just like I will eventually forgive my son for his attitude God forgives us even more so each time we sin. All we have to do is believe in Him, follow Him, and ask him to forgive our sinfulness.

For that to happen though we have to humble ourselves and submit ourselves to His authority. Tonight, I am doing that.... are you? Will Adam? I do not know what the answers to those questions are but I do now that one day we will all have to submit to God whether we like it or not. It's just easier to do it willingly.

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