God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Monday, September 13, 2010

being healthy

Today feels like a long tiring day but there really is no reason for that to be. The house has been straightened up a lot over the last couple of days, and this morning. The laundry is folded and put away, except the socks which I will fold this afternoon. The dishes are all done and the kitchen is clean. So I feel like I have been productive. No wonder I am tried right? Nope, you are not correct. Yes, I have done lots of things over the last few days between helping with a birthday party, cleaning house and getting ready to start school today with my boys.
I think I am tired because all of these things are mundane, boring meaningless mind-numbing tasks... My brain is tired which makes my body tired. 
What do you to when you are physically or emotionally tired? I don't know about you but I do one of two things, eat junk foods or fall asleep. So, what do you do when you are spiritually tired? I usually "eat" "junk food"or sleep. Again, neither are beneficial to my over all, long term health

We all know what junk food is, you know chips, cookies, drive thru fast food, high carbs and high salts usually. So what is spiritual junk food? It can't be cookies or candy, can it? Actually metaphorically, yes it can. Things such as listening to the world's way of solving our problems, always taking meds for things rather then finding out the rot of the problem, getting therapy instead of talking to God, reading self help books, not disciplining our children so we do not ruin their self esteem, you get the idea. 

I know plenty of people who would disagree with me on this and that is ok. They have every right to disagree but that doesn't make them right. Based off the Word of God being a Christian is not always easy. He never promised us an easy road thru life. Narrow is that way, thru the eye of a needle, those who are persecuted for my sake, brother against brother sister against sister, etc... etc... 

So why would anyone want to become a Christian, if it is dry difficult to do? Well, let's back up a step. What is the benefit of eating healthy and exercising? You have a happier, less medically-stressful, longer life. So what would be the benefit of living spiritually healthy and doing spiritual exercise (reading the Word)? You not only live a happier Christian life and are a witness others while doing so but you live a more fulfilled life. One that is more rewarding to Christ.

Think ofit this way, if you could switch bodies with anyone in the world for a day, (they had your body and you had theirs), how would you want your body treated? Would u want this other person taking care of it or woul you mind if they gorged themselves with all the unhealthiest of foods, smoked, did drugs and drank? Of course you would mind! After all, it is your body that you live in. You will be getting it back and you want to make sure it is in good shape when it is returned to you, right?

Well, think of it this way. God lives in us, He has given these bodies to us to use while we were here on Earth. We will one day be returning them to Him to do with as He wishes. Do you want to give him a crappy, run down, dilapidated body that died early from the addictions you allowed it to get into? Or do you want to give God back this body well taken care of and working good?

Me? I want to hear Him say "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have treated this vessel with care. Thank you."

I know some days I do not eat healthy physically or spiritually, but I do try to make sure my over all eating habits stay healthy. I hope you do too. :)

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