God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Sunday, June 13, 2010

old christians, new lessons...

One thing I have learned over the years of being saved is to never turn down an opportunity to do God's will. Take today, for example. Church was going well. We were singing wonderful praise songs and enjoying great fellowship. Then someone needed to leave because they were very distraught. This person wanted to go home so badly but couldn't because someone drove them.
So here they are, crying, distraught, and clearly feeling trapped. They wanted to leave but didn't see a way they can without inconveniencing the person that brought them.

Mike and I followed this person out to the hallway, trying to console them. My intention was to get back to the sermon/study quickly. I didn't want to leave this person hanging and left feeling abandoned so Mike, I and this person sat in the fellowship area instead. Mike and I missed out on a good sermon but we were blessed by being able to help someone else. While we sat in the fellowship area Mike taught this person and I about 2 Corinthians 6:17-18. What a great teaching my hubby did!!! Not only did he follow God's guidance in what to teach and help this person who so desperately needed him at that moment, but he uplifted my spirits and I learned a lot from him...

I know there are times when I want something to happen a certain way and I get irritated when it doesn't go that way. I am a creature of habit and a self centered person at times. One thing we all have to remember, me especially, is that each time things don't go the way we want, or expect, God has a plan and a reason. Go with the flow, let God lead you. :)

So, even though today did not go as I expected it was enjoyable anyway!

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