God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

how God uses you.........

Well, I have been very, crazily busy lately. No matter what I wish to do it seems as if I never have the time to do the things I want. But instead I am doing God's work...... and that makes it all worth while.

Recently I have been helpful in ways I had not expected to be. It's not us who chooses waht gifts God gives us. Nor is it up to us to choose how we use those gifts. Both are up to God.

So how do you know what your gift is? Well, what are you already doing? What are you good at? What do you like to do? What gives you joy? Chances are you are already using your gift and do not even realise it. What you do, what you enjoy and what you like can and usually is used for God on a daily basis.

As for me, well, I am social. Well, try having an aspie as a husband and a kid. Then add in another kid for good measure that has anxieties. Well, all of those together makes for a group of people who likes to hang out at home and with family.... not social butterflies if you ask me. So how does a sical person survive in a house of homebodies? Get used by God!

God has brought me so many friends that live very close by me. Usually I end up helping these friends with things ranging from babysitting on short notice to being their therapist. I get used every day by my Lord and Saviour and it gives me more joy then I could have imagined.

Are you allowing God to use you today? If not, why? Let Him use you and the rewards are beyond your imagination. :)



  1. Wonderful, encouraging thoughts, Trisha. It helps to remember that even w/a chat w/a friend on the phone, God is using that too..!

  2. Yes He is Fab! God has shown me so much lately of how He uses me in my day to day life. It has been an eye opener for me. :)
