God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Saturday, July 10, 2010

our filing cabinet

Today has been the third day in row I found myself sitting on the couch organizing papers. Why do I have so many papers you might task. My kids were in public school for a period of time; 3 years for Daniel and 4 for Adam. Adam, being special ed, ended up with the most paperwork... of course.
Why is it that we feel we must keep every little scrap of paper the school gives us? Now, don't get my wrong, I am very good at throwing junk papers out. Reports on grades, behaviors, meeting and IEPs I keep. After organizing them I find I have a binder full of papers, just for Adam! Yes, when the kids were homeschooled, being in NYS we have a lot of record keeping and report filing for homeschooled students. However, I have never had this much papers to keep.

This makes me think, what does God's filing cabinet look like? When we are unsaved we have all these papers being filed about us. Each and every time we sin a paper goes in that file for us. Each time we screw up or need correcting a new paper goes in the file. After just a couple of years you can imagine just how full the average person's file must be. I know, I know, the average person is not an ax murder or a pathological liar, right? Well, maybe not but the unsaved are sinful. So are the saved. But I thought that the saved were in God's glory, how can they be full of sin when they are in God's good grace? Back to the filing cabinet, will we?

The unsaved have a large file of sinful acts, even the little white lies are in the file. The file stays there accumulating paper after paper... even after it seems like it will be too full to fit in the cabinet. The saved also have a similar folder. The difference is with repentance after salvation.

Each time a saved individual sins, for any reason be it minute or huge, the paper is added to his/her file... When one repents, (ie: confesses and ask for forgiveness) that paper is then removed and covered with the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross, making it unreadable.... no longer available for God's recall. As a saved person this gives me quite a bit of hope. It doesn't give me the right to go out and sin, but rather gives me comfort in knowing that when I do sin it it has been reconciled for through the blood of Christ.

To me this makes sense and helps me understand a spiritual aspect in a secular world. If I have confused you or if I am mistaken in something, biblically, please correct me. :) 

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