God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

a sense of accomplishment

Wow! Today has been filled with such a sense of accomplishment. First, I started off the day doing the work of the Lord. Our church is doing a help the community service week rather then a traditional VBS this week. I love it! It is a great way to instill within the youngsters the importance of helping others. Our two boys have not gone for the first two days this week but they will be going tomorrow and Thursday. On Friday I am not so sure that they will come. Friday it depends on if we have enough room in our vehicle to take and bring them home, as we are taken home two to four other teens. Now you may ask, and rightfully so, why would we make room for other teens instead of bringing our own children. Well, there is a multi-thought process that brought us to that decision. One, our teens are still recovering form a bug that has worn our family out a lot this summer. Two, Adam, with his Asperger's and his knee problems sometimes causes more of a fuss and tends to be overly lazy, which would bring stress on others that are there to work. three, A lot of today and yesterday was getting up and down and going up and down stairs. With Adam's knees, which have a tendency to give out on him we thought it best not to bother bringing him. Not bringing Adam means (rather then listen to the attitude) not bringing Daniel. Besides Daniel is the one who has felt physically unwell more often then his big brother, so this gives him more time to recover. Fourth and final reason is that on Friday we will be taking more kids home afterward leaving a limited number of usable seats in our van. Since Adam seems to be more melodramatic over things and lazier then the average teen (ok maybe not) we thought it best to all ow room for those teens that actually will put their best foot forward and help out as much as needed, which I do not think Adam will be willing to do. So, you see we have truly thought this through. lol

Our comminuty helping week satrted yesterday, so we weeded the church's yard and helps beautify the place a bit. We also cleaned up the inside of the church area. Afterward, on our way home Mike and I were able to tackle a few errands before heading home. Anyhow, at church this morning we organized the clothing closet and prepared it for public access, not that it wasn't ready before but now we just made it more ready. lol Although we did not complete the job we will did accomplish way more then I thought we would! We still have a few things left to do with the clothing closet but that will be worked on and finished on Friday. After church today, Mike and I were able to visit with a friend of ours for a brief time before heading home. Mike took Daniel out to have father son time and Adam had his friend, Josiah, over. I love Josiah!!! He is a terrific teen, sweet respectful, appreciative and a wonderful godly young man.Daniel then came home and the boys played all afternoon. When Josiah was here I took the boys to the pool and swam with them for a while. They trulky are crazy teen boys that is for sure! lol While I was in the pool I decided to see how long I could tread water for. The first time I tread for 12 - 13 minutes. I was amazed!!!! The second try I could have done more but stopped after 5 minutes. It was a wonderful day!

I think over the last two days we have accomplished a lot of things, both in and out of the house. We did the laundry, made some important phone calls, fixed some computer issues, bought a new blender (which I so badly wanted) and generally got a lot of little things done....

When I get a lot done like the last two days have been like it makes me think about how God must feel at what He has made. I know He is happy in some of him flock but not all. I just pray that I am one of those that has made Him happy. when I pass on I can't wait to hear well done, good and faithful servant!!!
so what ever you are doing this week, do the best you can at it and second, do it for the Lord, not for yourself or other people. Doing it for the Lord brings a greater amount of joy with it then you would ever get waiting for it. Doing things for yourself (glorifying your abilities) brings with it dissatisfaction and sometimes brings with it disappointed.
I pray thta no matter what I do with my life I do it for God and only to gloify Him!

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