God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My thoughts on Extreme Couponing

Written on 7/4/11.

Hi. I have been himming and hawing over what to do about this extreme couponing thing. I know many people LOVE couponing and swear by it. There are a whole slew of websites devoted to it. There is a television show devoted to it. There are so many facebook pages started to help others start couponing. I even have a couple of friends who are into it.

I was thinking about my reasons for starting to coupon and my reasons why it might not be a great idea when I came across this article. I found it interesting and saddening at the same time. Apparently, some of these people, a good amount from the sounds of it, gang-cut their coupons. Now I had no idea what gang-cutting was until I read this. Now I know why it's detrimental to the companies out there.


So knowing this has left me in a bit of a conundrum. Do I continue to coupon like this or do I stop? Now, before we go any further let me clarify a few things.

1) I DO NOT gang-cut coupons. EVER.
2) I DO NOT get more then 2 papers on Sundays if I get that many.
3) I think Gang-cutting is wrong therefore making it sinful.
4) I DO NOT want to (even remotely appear to) be participating in sinful acts.

So you see I am left wondering is the extreme couponing a sinful thing to do? Am I actually participating in Extreme couponing and therefore in participating in a sinful act?

My husband, Mike, says I am not sinning by using coupons. I am using the coupons the way the manufactures have intended them to be used and therefore am not sinning. My dilemma is do I participate in something that can be so sinful, even if I, myself, am not sinning doing it? Mike says that everytthing on this Earth can be sinful in some way and that I don't need to worry about it.

Ok, my original reasons for starting to coupon again. I have tried it before but not particularly very well. lol I would forget the coupons all the time and decided it wasn't worth it to cut them and collect them if I forgot to use them at the store. So I stopped using them. Ok, my reasons, were simply two fold. One was to see if I could do it and two was to try to save money. Having two teens and a hubby that drives 19 miles one way to work 5 days a week make the money we do have not go as far as we would like it to sometimes.

BUT!!! I never intended to do the "Extreme Couponing" and go crazy like some people do. I will not spend money on things I do not use nor need. I will not stock pile the items. Maybe having two or three on hand in case I run out might be a nice idea but I do not need (nor do I want) 10 of the same item! lol

My last thought about this couponing thing is I am not trusting in God to provide all we need if I coupon? I want to trust the Lord as I know that is not only right but it is an act of faith that has ALWAYS brought us blessings. I want God to know that I trust my life and the lives of my children and family in His more then capable & loving hands. Will couponing pick away at the amount of trust I give God? I DO NOT ever wish my trust to be diminished by anything!

So, in conclusion, I am trying to the couponing thing until God gives me a clearer direction to proceed with. I trust God to provide all we ever need but I am also trying to be a faithful stewardess with all that He already given me. I am trying to be wise with the finances we have and fully rely on Him to help me through this whole experience....

I would appreciate any and all thoughts on Extreme Couponing that you might have. Thanks!

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