God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

my anger.....

Tonight I am angry. Why? Could it be the teens that are bugging the neighborhood? Or how about the lady that condemned me on facebook? Or even my children that have questioned me at every step today? Nope, none of those things are making me angry.

Today I am angry at myself. why? Well, lately there has been a whole lot of stress on my plate. I have been dealing with it on my own, with the help of some wonderful friends who have let me vent to them. So, since I have "reasons" to be angry at the things that are going on why am I angry at myself? Did you notice that I put the word reasons in quotations? There is a method to my madness. lol

So I have reasons to be angry, so what! Does that give me the right to take that stress on everyone else? NO! Does that give me the right to complain and vent to my friends? NO! Does it give me the right to be self-centered? (Well, I have had a rough day so that is why I am grumpy.) NO! Just because I have a reason to have those feelings I do not have to have them. I could go to God. I could give those feelings to Him. I could, but I didn't, until just now.

UGH!!!! Now I am angry at myself for not going to God lie I should have in the first place. But if there is one thing I have learned over the years I have been alive, it is not to dwell on the has beens and could haves; not to dwell on what should have been done or where I went wrong. You cannot change the past.

So right now, this second I pray that God corrects my selfish dirty heart. No matter how people treat me or how many bad things happen to me and my family, I have no write to complain or be grumpy. God has given me life! LIFE!!!!! Life beyond this Earthly body. He has given me ETERNAL LIFE! all for FREE

God is good and I am sorry. :o( I know He forgives me for my actions and my lack of actions. He is always there to hold me tight and make me feel better.

So, I thank you God for holding me tight and comforting me. I thank you for providing a way, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, for me to spend eternity with you. I love you because you first loved me.

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