God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mike is sick, I am sick, Adam is sick - Daniel not so much.

Today is an unusual day. Mike is home from work, sick. Yup, I said it. The man who NEVER EVER calls into work sick called in this morning.

No, he does not have a runny nose, a cough or a stomach ache. He is dizzy still. He said he feels a bit like he is drunk. lol Now anyone who knows Mike knows he doesn't drink hardly and when he does he is a "lightweight" as the saying goes. It takes very little alcohol to make him feel buzzed. (Not that it takes a lot of alcohol to make me feel buzzed though, In fact I drink less then he does and I can't even finish one wine cooler!)
Today Mike is still in bed. He is never in bed this late! Well, I can't say never because he is in bed right now so saying never wouldn't be accurate. lol

I find it funny in a weird sort of way as to how our bodies react to situations. We can make ourselves more comfortable just by thinking of happy thoughts and relaxing places. We can make ourselves sick by worrying and/or being anxious. Our body can break out in hives from being nervous. God's creation can be ruled by emotions. If we let it, that is.

I know sometimes, it is hard to avoid the way our body reacts to situations. If we try I think we can change, even if it is ever so slightly, the natural bodily reactions to some situations. I am not sure how though. I'm sure there has to be a way though. God didn't make us defective or imperfect. He made us in His image, He is perfect. In His image, is a reflection of Him, perfection.

I found a site this mornign that talks about how you can help common ailments through food. I am going to see if it helps Mike today. I'll let you know. Right now I have to say good bye and go take care of my family.
Talk to you again soon I hope.

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