God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Saturday, October 2, 2010

things that bug me to no end

Ok, maybe it's not really "things" that bug me but rather one thing in particular. My hearing. I am technically "borderline" hearing impaired in both ears due to genetic reasons. As a result, over time my hearing will slowly get worse and worse. Not that I mind that. It is what it is, a fact of life. Yeah, it sucks but lots of things on this Earth does so, to me, it's just one more thing.
What bothers me the most about it is the fact that some tv shows say they have closed captions but the typing is messed up. I don't mean a few words are messed up here and there but all the words are screwed up so badly that I cannot follow the story line. That wouldn't be so bad if television shows had a level volume but no, they have to be loud then quiet then loud then quiet... or the show's background noise is so loud that you can't make out the dialogue.
I watch some shows, like Dr. Who, that have this particular problem. I love watching Dr. Who but sometimes, like tonight it's just not worth it. I can hear some of the dialogue but not enough to actually follow the story line well enough to understand the plot line.
It's not even just tv. The movie theaters, certain people's voice, sounds the car makes, I can't hear a lot of things that my husband and my kids point out to me. It really irks me to no end!
I know you probably are thinking so? Just go get hearing aides, problem fixed, right? Well, problem fixed if we could afford it right now. With my youngest needing braces, homeschooling both kids, needing to get a newer car soon, all the dental work I seem to need frequently, and all the other day to day bills hearing aides are not a priority.
Just once, I wish money didn't matter.
I try not to use this blog as a complaint forum but tonight I just can't help it. 
Thanks for listening.

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