God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog in Pictures - Day 6 - Blessed by God, Blessed by my kids

It's been a rough day to say the least. The good thing is that amongst the tears, sobbing at times, I was able to pull through it get it all together. I was able to get the schooling and chores done. The house may not be in the greatest shape but at least it's clean and organized.

Tonight I was reading another's blog. It was about raising a child with special needs. It hit home for me. It made me think of how life with my boys has been. It certainly hasn't been easy. It's been hard some days to keep going. Between all the doctor's appointments, schooling and home therapies, it has been a rough road.

Between being told one child will not be able to live on his own, ever, and the other child will be a vegetable, I wonder how it is that I am still alive. Amongst major surgeries, lots of doctor's, therapists, tons of prayer, and even more tears God has shown those people they have no idea what they are talking about, despite their PhD's. Starting out with a boy who could not learn to read or write despite may years teaching him it, and another child who had no voice and little muscle usage when born, I'm proud to say that I have two amazing sons. Adam, 11th grade, reading and writing above a 9th grade level, and Daniel who some day's won't shut up. Through God's mercy and grace both my boys have far exceeded the doctor's predictions.

God is good. Through it all He has shown us that life's battles, life's pit stops, don't really matter in the long run. It matters how we pull through those pit stops and battles. It's not been easy I'll tell you that. Some days are full of tears, some are full of laughter. Some days there are more screams then I care to admit and others there is nothing but peace. We started out wondering where this life's journey would take us. I now sit here blessed by how wonderful my children are.

Thank you, Precious Jesus, for raising my children to be healthy and well.

Adam, this past month, in his Explorer's uniform.

 Daniel, hanging out at home.

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