God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Monday, March 5, 2012

Blog in Pictures - Day 3 -> Date Night - a must for every marraige!

Date Night

I came across this idea online the other night. I loved it! You get 12 envelopes, any envelopes you want. You can label them, decorate them, what ever you like. Each envelope has the name of one month on it. 12 months, 12 envelopes.12 dates.

That's right, 12 dates, one each month. 

In each envelope you plan a date for that particular month. It can be anything you enjoy doing together. Seeing as how we are not the richest people here we have to plan on the cheap. That 's ok though, I like simple things. In the post I saw this idea on the lady planned all the dates herself as a surprise for her husband. I didn't. I planned ideas and then checked with my hubby as to how he liked the ideas. He actually liked all the ideas. (yeah me!!) 

Some of our ideas include using the free movie tickets we have had for a while now, using the gift cards we have had for a while now, going to McDonald's for ice cream and taking a nice neighborhood walk, going to the local beach to walk on the pier, among other ideas.  These all will cost us less then 10 dollars. There is one idea that will cost more but I'm not sure how much. I want to plan an over night at a hotel for our 18th anniversary. Mike said he liked that idea too. big yeah!!!

Well, here are my envelopes. I pray that every wife (or husband) out there takes this idea and runs with it. What a wonderful way to tell your spouse that you love them? Isn't your marriage worth the investment of time? Remember, it's not the date that is important, not even what you plan to do. It's important to spend quality time with your spouse. Let hem know that they are the most important person in the world to you.

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