God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Thursday, February 3, 2011

so I have been so crazily busy!

I wrote this on the 16th of January and then forgot to finish it. lol So here it is, better late then never, right?

Ok, so it has been quite a while.since I have blogged. I hate not being able to blog as much as I would like to. so many things here have gone on lately I'm surprised I still know which way is up! lmbo!!!

If it's not one thing it's another........
When it rains it pours.........
Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.........

These sayings seem to fit how I feel lately. But with God all things are working well.
So, what has been going on? Well, Adam has had one health issue after another. First his blood glucose numbers were not normal. Then he got a bad kidney infection with no warning symptoms, and after that he started becoming dizzy a lot. His knees are always going out on him and swelling up when they do. Now his stomach is bothering him a lot. (Now his back hurts too.)

Daniel is doing about the same. His stomach aches a lot but that has been happening for years. Otherwise, he is ok. Me? Well, besides being tired and the firbo pain I am ok I guess. Nothing new to report so that is good news. :) Mike? Well, Mike is rarely sick and rarely complains of things bothering him so I guess he is ok too.

When I stop to think of how life is and how our physical bodies cause disruptions in our day to day life; whether it be by pain, depression, anxiety, or other health issues, I am reminded of how fragile we are. Although these bodies were not originally designed to break down and deteriorate, sin has caused that to happen. So it goes to reason that there would be so many health issues plaguing humans. The way we eat and the way we take care of our bodies doesn't help matters either.

I am not a health food nut. I am not even really observant enough, most of the time, to watch my diet well. I eat when I get hungry and sometimes when I am bored. So I should not be surprised that I am overweight. I could easily stand to loose 30 lbs; even 50 wouldn't be unreasonable. My problem is that I lack willpower and control. No, that is wrong, I do not lack it, I chose not to use it. That is more accurate. Why would I choose not to use will power and self control if I know it is the best thing for me? Well, temptation is an easy trap. It is self gratifying and momentarily enjoyable.

It leads us sweetly by the hand into areas that are (so it seems) filled with glorious things that make us feel good about ourselves, at least for the moment. If you have ever indulged in a piece of wonderfully delicious cake or a bowl of yummy ice cream you knwo what I am saying. Just like the harlot that tempted the simple man that was not watchful sin tempts us. (See Proverbs chapter 7) We need to stay watchful and be mindful of the way our life is going.

I need to be watchful and mindful of my life; what I eat, when I eat, when (and if) I exercise, and so forth. By being spiritually mindful and watchful we take care of our heart and our relationship with Christ. Being physically watchful and mindful of the things we do we take care of the temple of God.

I guess I am writing this tonight more for me then for you. I need to take my own advice. I WILL eat better and I WILL exercise. I WILL be watchful and mindful so that my life - the one I am using as an ambassador for Christ may bring him glory. :o)

I pray you also chose to live this way too.

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