God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

why I hate halloween...

Ok, so there is no big news when I saw that I hardly ever HATE anything...... but here I am putting it out there for the world to see, I HATE HALLOWEEN!!!! But why? It can be very innocent and many wonderful people celebrate it, right? Well, I guess that is one way you could put it. It's not what I would agree to though.

So, why do I abhor this particular holiday so much? Could it be it's pagan origins? Could it be that it is against my "religion"? Could it be that I am against kids having fun? Maybe I didn't celebrate it as a kid. But wait! I did. My parents let me and my siblings go trick or treating every year. They even encouraged us to go when we thought we were too old to go. I dressed up for school and loved coming up with costume ideas. So, if I celebrated it when I was young why do I hate it now that I am grown? Don't I want my kids to have innocent fun? I mean I could only allow them to dress up as innocent things such as angels, cowboys and puppies but instead I take away all that enjoyment. WHY?

Well, it could be traced back to it's pagan origins, but although they are not good that is not the true reason for my hate. One could say that it's just a dark holiday and my religion is against it. They would be right but again that is not my reason either. Remember I grew up Christian and still celebrated the holiday.

Ok, enough beating around the bush, here it is in a simple explanation. It is evil. It is dark. It is satanic. It is gruesome and just plain awful. The costumes and decorations have all become too graphic and encourages ghost and goblins, witches, scary movies, and making little ones scared. Yes there are some "innocent" families that do participate in the holiday with the good intentions of letting their kids have fun. I have a huge problem with this. Would you let your kids use swords to play fight each other? No, why not? It could hurt them right? Would you let them run across the street without looking? No, why? It could hurt them, right? Well, the same goes true for halloween. It could hurt them.

No I am not talking about them actually getting hurt, kidnapped or receiving tainted candy. I am talking about their spiritual health, not their physical health. Although there are many reasons that halloween could physically hurt your child, that is not very common anymore. Law enforcement has taken great steps to help ensure your child's safety, from x-raying candy to having kids trick or treat in malls instead of outdoors. They even go around and check on sex offenders to make sure they are home that night and that they do not entice children to knock on their doors. These are all wonderful steps to take, however, they are not enough.

What needs to be done is the responsibility of the parents, and the parents alone. Are you raising your child, no matter his/her age, in the way of the Lord? Are you raising them to love and fear God Almighty? Are you teaching them to avoid sin and repent when you fall into temptation? If you are then that is wonderful, but it is not enough. Not by far. As a parent we need to guide them not to easily be led into temptation. We need to show them how to avoid temptation. We need to avoid things that are not edifying or uplifting in the Lord.

So, is halloween edifying? no! not in the least in any sense of the imagination. Yes, it did start out with pagan gods and it did start out with satanic rituals but now it has become an easy way for kids to gather candy and companies to make money. What is so wrong with that? There isn't anything evil in that is there? Well, not on the surface but look around you on halloween night. What do you see? Ghosts, goblins, scream characters, gory & scary movies, haunted houses, witches, more paranormal shows and so on. Are these edifying? no! not in the least. What if your child is dressing up as an angel is that ok? no, and here is why. Would you justify your child going to a party that the parents weren't present at? Why not? Would you allow your child to go to a concert that you know drugs will be used at? No, why? Because you do not want your child have anything to do with that. You do not want them to be tempted and you do not want them to be guilty by association, right? EXACTLY!!! That is my point. Why would you allow your child, or yourself, to participate in a holiday that you know has evil origins? Even if those origins aren't very visible you know that they are there. You know in your heart that halloween, being the high holy day of the satanic cult, is a evil day. It is the day that the most sacrifices are made on. People protect their animals most on that night because of the threat of sacrifices. So tht is the reson we decide not to participate in the holiday. but not the reason I hate it so much.

Ok, everyone knows I love love love (did I say love? chocolate and you would think I would be in my glory having a night that seems to worship the love of candy, specifically chocolate, right? Well, no I do not. Even though I love chocolate so much, my love for Christ is bigger then my love for chocolate. On halloween companies and people have profited off of the commercialism that the evil holiday has produced. Companies know that people will buy candy, decorations, costumes, and many other things, all in the name of having fun wiht the kids. (What is so fun about scary things anyway?) I hate that the U of A and many other countries around the world love to commercialize, and therefore take the original meaning from, practically everything. I hate that! we have become such a commercialized, gimme, I want and I "need" type of society. What we really need is to seek Him, Christ. For only He can fill that void we are so desperately trying to fill with items and activities.

I hate the origins of the holiday. I hate the darkness the holiday exudes, I hate the commercialism it produces and I hate the love affair America seems to have with it all. Most of all I hate how the holiday tricks good christian folks into celebrating the holiday on terms claiming "it's not so bad...."

So, that is my soap box for now. I'm not saying I'm off my soap box for today as I might right why I hate women voting later today. That is a whole other post.....

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