God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Voting..... why I think women shoudl not do it.

Ok, so the voting is over for now. In my last post I stated I didn't vote even though I agree that it is vitally important. If I think it is so important why do I not vote then? Does Mike vote? Yes, my husband does, each and every election he can. I do not. At all? ... why?

Well, that is the question I have been asked time and time again. I have also asked myself that very question over and over again. Each time I state my reason people think I am strange. I am strange but not because I do not vote. lol

Ok think about it. This country, the United States of America, was founded on the principle that men governed the house and the government, made the money to provide all the needs for the family and were the spiritual leaders in their homes. Women stayed home and took care of the kids, the husband, the house and the cooking. This country was founded on religious freedom. Yes, there were many people from other religions and other regions that came to the US to seek freedom but I am thinking mainly of the Pilgrims that came over to be free from the religious rule in England. Back then life seemed good, hard but good.  Men knew their role and women knew their role. These roles were designed by God. Women grew up knowing they would be mothers and housekeepers. Men grew up knowing they would work to provided for their families. There was not the competition for each others' job as each knew the importance of their own job. They knew that by doing their own jobs they were an important and vital part of the family and society.

Then came this notion of "woman's equality", as if being a mom or a housekeeper was of no importance. Without moms where would we all be? Without support, comfort, nurturing, prepared food, washed laundry, cleaned houses, where would we all be? Without moms I know I would be a big fat mess, literally.... I mean it. I wouldn't know how to eat properly, clean and maintain my household, raise my children to respect adults, and to work hard in everything they do. Without mom, I would probably overeat because it would seem ok. I would probably live in a messy house because I wouldn't know the importance of cleaning and the benefits of living in a clean house. Without moms I would be lost.

So anyhow, back to the voting issue. As you can see mom's place in the house is very vitally important. As is dad's role. He provides the income to buy the necessities we need and want on a daily basis. He protects us from harm and helps us stand up proud and respectable. He teaches us scriptures (hopefully) and to love but fear the Lord. He teaches us manners and respect of authority by being humbled in your job and doing your job for God not man.

As I said men had their place and women had their place and life was good. Then came 'woman's rights". Women, as God cursed them to be, wanted to be equal if not better then men. Let them work in the man's world of employment. Treat them the same even though they are proven to be a physically weaker and more emotionally unstable (or prone to be at times). Treat them to stand on their own two feet without the support of men. Let them work hard, shout their opinions loudly and vote in politics. Raising a family became less important during this time and since.....Woman have put their own desires and emotions above the needs God has ordained them to fulfill.

Where has this gotten us in the many years since woman's equality has been gained? Women still are not equal, in any true sense of the word, to men. Women typically get paid less for the same job a man does. Women are typically over looked and refused employment if a man is available and willing to do the job. (Yes, it is illegal but I know it still happens) Women need maternity time off, which is a downfall on their part. More women take sick days then men when a child is home sick from school. Women have developed many more health problems, related to physical and emotional stress, over the years that women in decades past did not have. Women have suffered in so many ways due to this woman's right to equality was "won". Men still see women as weaker and not as capable to complete the job needing to get done. Men still drool and pant over women. (Don't tell me you don't cause I happen to know you do! Even if it is in your mind.) Men still see women as sex tools and "property". Men still try to control women whether you believe it or not.

So, again, we are back to why I do not vote a I have yet to explain that. lol

As you can see I do not like the fact that women have put their foot down and demanded the same equality as men. I feel women, in general, should NOT vote. But this is my opinion and I have yet to meet a person who thinks this also and that is ok with me. I feel women should mind their God given place and stay out of man's affairs, including government issues.. I think women should stay home and raise their kids themselves rather then shoving them off to day care. I feel women should treat their husbands with more respect and make the home a stress free environment for their spouse to come home to. I think women should not do things that distract them from their God given role as caretakers.

I think by voting women are still trying to get the upper hand. Women are still trying to show the world that they are equal to men. But we are not really. Yes I did just say that. Women as just as important but not equal. How can they be just as important but not equal? Well, let's see, god has joined man and woman in holy matrimony but the man is the head of the household just as Christ is the head of the church. With out woman, man would be lost still out there trying to seek some way to satisfy his longing and desires. With out men women would be out their looking for someone to fulfill their need to be loved. Men and women are made (literally and metaphorically) for each other in every sense of the way. They complete each other but have two different roles in the household and in society.

I think the country really needs to get it's knees to the ground and spend some time in repentance and humility before God. I think one step in the right direction would be for women to focus on their families and not on themselves or their society. If you are not married, or have no kids (and cannot have them) then maybe, just maybe I could see a woman voting, but to me it is not necessary or prudent.

If men would stand up and take their role seriously, and women would let them do so, then thins country wouldn't be in the problems it is in now.

I know lots of people will look  at this blog and think I am nuts, and maybe I am. I am standing strong on the Word of God and taking my role as a wife, mother, nurse, maid and teacher very seriously. I encourage my husband to take his role as the spiritual and financial provider for our family just as, or more so, serious as He will be accountable for his family before God when the day comes.

I know there are many unmarried single moms out there. I also know that some wives (and mothers) have lost their spouse in a death or divorce. They have to work to provide for their family. But in most cases this needn't be so. If the men would stand up and do as God asked them to then women wouldn't be "forced" to work to provide for their family.

Ok, I am off my soap box now. Thank you for letting me explain my thoughts.

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