God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The rantings of an extrovert living with introverts

I say this is the rantings of... because I feel like I am ranting. I'm not meaning to so please bear with me.

I am extrovert. I like people. I like being around people; hearing their conversations, seeing their activities, watching and participating in their lives being lived. In my house I see little of that.

My children are introverts. My husband is an introvert. That means that most of the time during the day it is fairly quiet around here. If a project is being worked on they are focused - which keeps them quiet. The boys are either in their room or on the play station or computer. Daniel also works on his school work independently and Adam goes for hour long walks. All that leaves little conversation with me, actually aside from playing the PS3 it leaves little conversation between them also. They are happy with that. They like the quiet from what I can tell.

I'm an extrovert. I'm not a person who reflects often. I'm not one to contemplate things. I'm a doer. I have learned to be a planner. I someone called me up right now and said "Hey, let's go somewhere." I would jump up and say I'll meet you there! IF I had a car. Which I don't. And no one calls me. So that doesn't happen. What does happen is quietness.

How do I cope? Some days I get depressed, withdrawn and quiet. I get bored... I sleep, I watch tv, I eat, I stay bored - some days. Boredom is the enemy for me. I have to get creative. I have to keep busy.

Some days I find things to keep me busy. I clean, I cook, I scrapbook. But I can't do those things all the time. Cooking only goes so far when no one eats as much as I make. It ends up just wasting food. Not a good thing. Cleaning can only be done for so long before it's all done. Scrapbooking is a great activity for me. I love doing it. It keeps my mind occupied and active. However, now that we have the tree up for Christmas I have no room to scrapbook. It will have to wait until January.

In warm weather I walk. I go to the library. I visit my neighbor when she is home. I sit outside and watch the activity of others.

For now I just have to think. I have to get creative in how to keep my mind sane. I will do it and spring will be here soon. Then I can be more active. I can find more things to keep me busy.

Disclaimer: I'm not looking for suggestions or for anyone to "solve" my issue. I'm not looking for pity. I'm only sharing this to get it off my chest.

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