God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Sunday, December 26, 2010

change your expectations

I do not plan on writing this for too long this evening because I am tired......... It's been a long but really enjoyable day. Christmas is my favorite time of year. My birthday and Christmas are the only "holidays" I truly love.
Today I have had a few thoughts scampering around my brain. One of them has been to lower your expectations. you see Christmas can be wonderful or frustrating and sad. IT depends on your perspective and your expectations of the day. What will you get? How will dinner turn out? Will everyone get along? Will everyone like the gifts I bought them? There are so many things that can not only distract us from the true meaning of the celebration but also make us feel down in the dumps. This has happened to me more times then I care to admit. A number of years ago I used to have my expectations for presents much higher then I do now. You see women tend to think differently then men regarding many things, purchasing gifts is one of them. although my husband's intent was to buy things for me that I would love and that would show his love for me, he didn't always succeed. Now, I love my husband more then life itself (but not as much as God) but he doesn't always know what I like despite our 16 years of marriage. So when gift opening time came I always got disappointed, disappointing him in the process. Now, I focus on his intent instead of the gift. This year my husband bought me things that I would use, things that are practical and things I enjoy, such as bubble bath and a bath pillow. Now, although the gifts I received are not extravagant, nor are then fancy, they are things I love. Thought was put into the gifts. To me, now tha tI take thet ime to understand the love that went into picking out the gifts, I am no longer disappointed. I am rather thrilled that my husband loves me so much he thougth to vget that item, even if it is not one I would usually pick out.

So, don't set your expectations too high at Christmas time. No matter if you get exactly what you wished for or you received something stupid and lame, you are loved and that is always more important.

Thinking of how much you are loved, reminds me of how much we are all loved; by God. You see God gave up a part of Himself, His very own child, His only child. He did that because He wanted to spend eternity with His creations, us. He wanted to spend time with those He loves. His son, Jesus Christ, willingly gave up his Godhood for a time to become human, knowing full well that he would be ridiculed, tormented, attacked, sold for silver, beaten beyond recognition then hung on a cross to die. He was buried in a sealed tomb in the cold hard ground. But he did this all because He knew that it was the only way to get to spend eternity with those he loves. He rose from the grave to prove his love to us. What a love that is!!!!

So, I have two things to take for all this; do not set your expectations for gifts so high that you get disappointed and expect more from Christ as He loves you more then you know!

I pray you all had a wonderful Christmas, I know we did!

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