God's goal for you in life.

God's goal for you in life.
Life goes on, move with it

Saturday, December 17, 2011

WOW! So many amazing things to talk about tonight. Right now, due to wanting to get to bed soon I will only talk about two things.

First thing I must praise the Lord Almighty for helping guide me to something that is actually helping me out of this depression rut I was in. For the last month or a bit more I have been taking St. John's Wort. I must tell you, IT IS AMAZING STUFF!!!

I'm not sure what it does in the body but I do know that it has changed my life. I have not felt emotionally better in the last 10 so years. I feel more like myself and am interested in doing things I haven't found energy or desire to do in so long.... I am back into braiding my hair and painting my nails. I feel more like visiting with friends and talking to people. I feel more social. I feel physically better, not so tired, not so sore. I also know that now I am spiritually I am better. The desire to pray, read Scriptures and memorize the Word has increased a lot! all because of taking one pill!!! That is it! Ok, so it's really 4 pills but it is the same pill so I can honestly say it is one (type of) pill. lol I take two in the am and two in the pm. I am no longer on ANY depression meds. Yup, you read that right, NO DEPRESSION meds at all!!!! I am literally blown away by the difference in me. :o)


On the next note I want to thank Mathew Gerwitz for his continued wonderful performances as worship leader for Worship Jam night. Tonight's worship Jam was wonderful!! If you live in the Rochester area I HIGHLY recommend you come some day. You will be blessed!  Each and every month the Lord works on someone, if not everyone who joins us there. today it was me He was working on. I'm not sure about anyone else but I know I have an issue with pride. Yup, PRIDE.
When I was teaching Sunday school to the little ones we had a lesson on Jonah's pride getting in the way of him forgiving the Ninevites. I was trying to find a way to teach what pride is really all about. God showed me this acronym. Personal Reflection Is Deemed Excepterional. Well, all day I have been reminded of that acronym. During my driving around I was listening to the radio. I heard "My Own Little World" by Mathew West. I have recently been faced with seeing myself as the person this song is talking about. I tend to shut out the bad in the world because it is hard to deal with. It is hard to think that people will do horrible things to other people, even though I have been the "victim" of such horribleness. I find the daily news broadcasts depressing and even angring at times. I have said I no longer wath it because it is depressing. Well, truth be told, I hate seeing all the sin this world is doing. Hiding from it is not making it go away or stopping it in any stretch of hte imagination. It is only hindering me from learning the lessons God wants me to learn. I do not live in a world of only me. I live in the world as God made it, even thought we do not treat it is as so. I need to watch the news more often so I can pray for the country, the leanders and the other countries and their leaders. 
We tend to try to live in our own little worlds and as a result we forget that those out there in the world around us need our prayers and our help. We can only do that if we pay attention and care. 

I will leave you with a note of encouragement. Pray for those around and you and thank Jesus for the ability to do so. He uses each one of us where ever we are in life, whether we realize it or not. Wake up and start focusing on what can you do for Him? What can you do to further the cause of spreading His word and shining Hi light? I plan to try to be better at letting Him use me to the fullest. I pray you do also.

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